Initial Seasoning

Our tents are water repellent and completely dry after seasoning. Waterproof implies the use of a coating that normally fails after a period of time. Our 7oz canvas is treated with a Sunforger finish. This is a lifetime finish that provides water repellency while maintaining breathability and also protects against mold and mildew.

The sewing process creates thousands of tiny holes in the tent, so some initial weathering is required. On a brand-new tent, there will be seepage along the seams and in the corners where there is heavy sewing reinforcement.We use a polyester thread which lasts much longer than cotton, but the tradeoff is that it takes longer to swell and work with the canvas. Think of it like a good cast iron, it needs some seasoning at the beginning, but it gets better with use.

The best way to season your tent is to set it up in your yard and allow Mother Nature to handle the process.Make sure that the tent is well pitched in order that it will take its final shape correctly, and allow the tent to go through at least one good, heavy rain.You may expedite this by hosing it down, and letting it dry a few times, but the best weathering is real weather.Once seasoned, your tent will bedry while remaining breathable and well-ventilated.

Care & Maintenance

A properly cared for canvas tent will last many years.  In order to prolong the life of your tent, we recommend the following basic care and maintenance techniques:

Always store your tent completely dry and clean.  When you return from your adventure, remove any debris from the shell of your tent and use the loop installed at the peak to hang your tent so that you may hose off any dirt and allow it to completely dry before packing it away.  The same is important for all of your tents parts and components including stakes, poles, and bags.

Do not use harsh detergents to clean your tent.  Simply hosing and lightly brushing away dirt by hand are the best way to preserve the integrity of the canvas weave.  Do not machine wash your tent.  If deeper cleaning is required, we recommend light use of natural and non-chemical cleaners such as diluted vinegar followed by heavy rinsing.

Occasionally lubricating zippers with a light coating of beeswax or silicone and then operating the slider to distribute the coating evenly will prolong the life of your doors and windows.

In the field, keep debris and snow from accumulating on your tent.  Snow loads create a great deal of pressure on the canopy of your tent and can result in irreparable damage to the seams and/or poles.

Do not leave your tent set-up unattended for extended periods of time without attention.

Always store your tent in a clean, dry place.